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Mission & Need


The mission of MATCH is to be the premier performance venue for the Houston region’s small and mid-sized arts organizations and the leading destination in the region for audiences to experience a broad spectrum of the arts.


Houston is a sprawling metropolis that has continued to grow as a cultural and creative melting pot with a strong art community: however, there is currently no neighborhood, “home,” nor district to bring smaller artistic groups together to provide easy access for patrons. Because arts organizations are dispersed across the city, they are hard to find and have few opportunities for collaboration and synergy. Further, many of the organizations are operating out of inadequate facilities that significantly limit their program offerings and their ability to grow and prosper.

The MATCH will fill this void in the Houston arts community by developing an accessible, centralized hub of creativity that will bring together an array of artists and art lovers from across the region’s diverse cultural, economic, and geographic communities.